Saturday, August 14, 2010

Calfornia Adventure Attraction Reveiw: The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror

Ride: Tower of Terror
Number of times I've ridden it: One

When we got in line for The Tower of Terror, my heart was pounding. I was nervous for this ride more than any other. But it wasn't that bad...

The Tower of Terror is a ride where you are the subject of an episode of "The Twilight Zone", which is a pretty cool theme. This elevator at the Hollywood Hotel had a history of sending 4 people to the twilight zone because lightning struck it. And so apparently when you get in the elevator, you go into the twilight zone by being dropped a couple 20 feet, going up some more feet, then dropping again. They also have a preshow talking about the story behind the elevator. With the classic host of "the Twilight Zone" in it, the movie just makes it seem more scary. Then you get into the elevator and ride around the hotel a little bit with the hosts words in the backround.(But my legs were shaking like crazy). It's pretty cool when you're riding around because you see a mirror in which you suddenly dissapear from it. It also has the ghosts of the 4 passengers that were in the preshow. Also, a room turns in to stars which is pretty cool as well. Then you drop. It's pretty simple. You drop, you get lifted up some, you drop again. The windows open so you can see how high you really are. Then the ride stops and you hear the narrator say he's favorite line: ""The next time you check into a deserted hotel on the dark side of Hollywood, make sure you know just what kind of vacancy you're filling or you may find yourself a permanent resident of...The Twilight Zone." I recommend this ride to people who like The Twilight Zone show, or like drop towers. I would not recommend this to people who do not like drop towers or heights, or do not want to be entered in to... The Twilight Zone.

Overall rating: 8.5/10